Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Finest Hour

Okay, I don't mean to brag...


I'm feeling pretty awesome.

Rarely do I make dinner and the dinner conversation revolves around nothing but...the dinner. The whole family loved this, and if I can get a 2-year-old to eat curry, then I must rock, right? I have my good cooking days and my bad cooking days, and today definitely goes on the "good" list. I have loved curry (and been searching for the perfect recipe) since living in New Zealand (most British people I met made good curry. What's the deal?), and well...I finally found it.

Okay, enough self-indulgence. Here's the blessed recipe. I can't really take credit for how good it turned out, because the recipe itself was just that good.

There is a typo in the recipe, though. It tells you to top it with almonds, fresh basil and curry. You already used the curry when you cooked the chicken, so almonds and basil will suffice. Plus I added chopped up apples, raisins and a li'l dollop of homemade yogurt (AWE YEAH, FOLKS, you hungry yet?).

So seriously, try the recipe! You'll be so impressed with yourself! Even if it does make your house smell like an Indian restaurant! :)